FMAC Bylaws

Drafted: May 5, 2010


The State Financial Management Advisory Committee (FMAC) shall provide a forum for state financial managers to share information, coordinate best practices, review policies and procedures, and recommend effective statewide financial management systems to best serve the citizens of Missouri.


  • To develop, recommend, and coordinate best practices for effective financial management and to support the adoption and implementation of such practices by all agencies of Missouri state government.
  • To advocate for and actively partner with the Office of Administration, Division of Accounting, in the development of financial policies and procedures and to promote the implementation of consistent financial policies and procedures, when possible, across all agencies of Missouri state government.
  • To identify financial management issues that impact the operation of Missouri state government and to recommend effective solutions to the appropriate entities and individuals in state government.
  • To provide a forum of learning through sharing of financial management information throughout Missouri state government.


Meetings shall be open to all persons engaged in financial management for the State of Missouri.

Electronic notification of meetings will be sent to the following persons (or their designated representatives):

  1. The chief financial administrator of the sixteen executive branch departments.
  2. The chief financial administrator of executive branch divisions within departments with substantially independent financial operations.
  3. The Director of the Division of Accounting in the Office of Administration.
  4. The administrators charged with financial responsibility in the offices of elected officials, legislative and judicial branch offices and other state government entities that request notification of meetings.

Other individuals may be invited and encouraged to attend the meetings of the FMAC by department representatives as deemed appropriate for the agenda topics.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following: the Chair and Co-Chair of FMAC and volunteers from the membership.

The Executive Committee shall meet quarterly to discharge its duties.

Duties of the Executive Committee are:

  1. To assist the Chair or Co-Chair as requested and needed.
  2. To recommend agenda items and speakers for Committee meetings.
  3. To serve as spokespersons and representatives of the Committee, when necessary and requested by the FMAC Chair or Co-Chair.
  4. To identify issues common to state agencies and to determine the most effective means of resolving issues, including recommendation of creation of subcommittees.
  5. To serve as members of working groups and subcommittees of the Committees, where and when needed.


The FMAC Chair and Co-Chair shall serve a one-year term, with the Co-Chair advancing to the Chair position the subsequent year. The Chair shall assume responsibility July 1.

Duties of the Chair are:

  1. To preside at all meetings of the Committee.
  2. To provide electronic notification and agendas prior to the bi-monthly meeting of the Committee.
  3. To serve as spokesperson for the Committee (unless a particular person has been designated for certain topics).
  4. To obtain speakers for Committee meetings.
  5. To appoint subcommittees as determined appropriate.
  6. To provide electronic minutes of meetings, as well as notice of memorandums issued by the Office of Administration, Division of Accounting, to the designated participant group.

The Co-Chair will assume these responsibilities in the absence of the Chair.